Friday, July 17, 2015

In your own words, what is STEM Class all about this year? (5-8 sentences minimum)


  1. This year STEM class will be about how to use and apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to everyday occurrences. So far we have learned what proper online etiquette is, and we have learned how to build and manage websites.

  2. this year STEM class is all about technology. This semester we made a website so far and now we are blogging. So in STEM we will be using technology a lot. STEM stands for Science TECHNOLOGY Engineering and Math. This makes sense why we might use a lot of technology this year. Just like last year we focused more on engineering.

  3. STEM Class is all about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This year specifically, it will be about being on the web and on the internet. This is where we can learn about creating websites, blogs,etc. Not only that, but we will be learning about computers and how they work. Aside from that, STEM is mostly about learning how things work like in engineering.

  4. STEM class is about learning more about science, technology, engineering, and math. We learn how to use it like in creating a web site. The class teaches us new things on the computer that we may never learn in other classes. So far we've created a website for educational purposes, and the next assignment is making a blog. This year seems very educational.

  5. If you have STEM this year and you don't have a Gmail account 7th grade stem isn't for you. With your Gmail you will be making sites and blog and etc. There is so much you may do with your Gmail, but I do not want to spoil it for those of you who are reading this and do not have a Gmail

  6. From skimming the website template Mr.Spivey had set up, I imagine that we are going to learn about how to create and put information into websites and blogs. We are going to learn about how to embrace technology and learn how to use it to communicate with others and embrace it in your everyday life. The abbreviation STEM literally stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The T stands for what the overall idea of what we are learning this year. I see the M for Mathematics, so I am assuming that this year, we are going to involve/include math in this year's technology. I think this is going to be fun because we have to prepare for later on in life where technology will be the way to live.

  7. If you have STEM this year and you don't have a Gmail account 7th grade stem isn't for you. With your Gmail you will be making sites and blog and etc. There is so much you may do with your Gmail, but I do not want to spoil it for those of you who are reading this and do not have a Gmail

  8. Stem class this year is about computer science ,and engineering. Possible that we will learn about computer programming later in the year. Also today we are blogging about are hobby`s and interest so I believe we will talk more about that.

  9. This year in STEM we are focused on things like Digital Etiquette. However, The thing we are most focused on is building our website. We must learn how to post stuff on the subject we are doing. We do have a finances unit, we will learn how to use a credit card, etc. We are also going to do some stuff on CSI. We are going to learn about how to customize our website like putting in themes and stuff. For, our final project we are going to do a prezi. We are going to learn our learning styles and multiple intelligences. This is what we are focusing on in STEM this year.

  10. STEM Class does stand for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. But this year it is all about creating a website, blog, and learning about yourself by having fun while doing it as well. We read a very interesting and moralizing book, write a short auto biography including many of our favorite things, and more. The point of this class is to learn more on how to use a computer and learning about yourself in a way that you will enjoy. Learning about using personal computers includes using many shortcuts and knowing how it works, and also knowing where to find certain files and documents. Also, we learn how to use and how important digital etiquette is. We use that when it comes to creating formal e-Mails and creating our own pages and information on the internet. By doing this, we learn how to make a website and blog using Google, and taking quizzes and tests to learn about how and the best way we learn, or which areas we are most intelligent in. Using this knowledge that we obtain can help us in the long run throughout our education, our career, and our lives in general. Overall, it is a very fun and educational class that students can learn in many different ways mentally and electronically.

  11. I think stem is similar to what I do at home;Khan Acadamy.Its basically science,technology,engineering,and mathmatics.All in one subject

  12. Stem Stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This year I think we will be learning about the Technology part of STEM. With little bits and pieces of other things too like financial stuff. We so far have been making our website and doing blogs to get us to know more apps that are on google. Google is the main thing this year with the
    plethora of apps such as blogs and sites that we can use. There is no doubt I will use these apps after STEM class is over.

  13. Stem Stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This year I think we will be learning about the Technology part of STEM. With little bits and pieces of other things too like financial stuff. We so far have been making our website and doing blogs to get us to know more apps that are on google. Google is the main thing this year with the
    plethora of apps such as blogs and sites that we can use. There is no doubt I will use these apps after STEM class is over.

  14. Stem stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Stem class this year is all about computer science. This semester has been about making a website and a blog. WE have learned how to edit the website and blog, and how to make money off the blog.

  15. This year I think we will learn about how technology works. Also I think we will learn about a little math that has to use with technology. Also we will learn about different apps we can use with technology. Also things like docs and stuff. We might even learn about things that don't deal with technology necessarily but maybe about it.

  16. This year i think we will learn the proper way to use the computer. we will learn how to make a website and how to blog. We're gonna learn many apps on the computer and how to use and apply those apps.

  17. Stem class this year is teach many students about technology. this is different from last year, because it doesn't involve pencil or paper. We are learning how to make blogs and websites. While sing these sources, we are being taught how to create or do something new. In stem technology is a great source we use!

  18. Stem is a acronym of Science, Technology, Engineer, and Mathematics. Stem will overall be about applying Math and Science in Technology. Stem just doesn't include computers, but it can also be about building something and financial things. We will be making blogs, and websites mainly. We will also learn about gadgets and tricks about using programs in your computer like google.

  19. Stem is a acronym of Science, Technology, Engineer, and Mathematics. Stem will overall be about applying Math and Science in Technology. Stem just doesn't include computers, but it can also be about building something and financial things. We will be making blogs, and websites mainly. We will also learn about gadgets and tricks about using programs in your computer like google.

  20. This year 7th grade stem class is all about learning about computers and more ways around things on a computer. This year the 7th grade main goal is to build our own website. This year we are learning also briefly about finances and we will have one test on that. Right now we are learning about email etiquette or netiquette and how important it is today. Finally we are also learning about building our own blog and how to make money from it

  21. Stem stands for science technology engineering and mathematics.So this year I believe stem is about constructing things having to do with technology.Right now we are making a website we have been taught how to post and edit on the site.

  22. I think STEM will be about technology and making a website. Also, financing because were doing RDPD. STEM is basically technology like creating a website. Science will be involved too like forensic science. I think we will learn all these things in STEM class.

  23. To me STEM is science tech engineering and math. STEM is more to that we will talk about websites and more. We will also be talking about more things on computers and take our notes on it. Finally i like STEM and what we are going to learn this year.

  24. Stem is just an acronym which stands for Sci, Tech, Engineering, and mathematics. Stem is just a mixture of the subj's. It is about build or constructing. We learn far more other power which a computer can hold and so much more.We get to use the hidden features of which a comp holds.

  25. Stem means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This year I think we will learn how to use technology in depth. Also, be taught the different apps Google has to offer. Right now, we are being taught how to make a blog, and a website. Along with, how to use a couple of tools and apps Google has.

  26. STEM itself stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This year our STEM class is most likely focused on Technology since we're going to be involved with computers and different things revolved around computers. We're also going to be involved with finances which could also tie in with Technology since taxes, important emails, or even job interviews can be carried out via computer. Therefore, the students partaking in STEM this year will dive into the world of computers and technological sciences.

  27. This year STEM class is about learning how to use computers for our everyday tasks like putting dates on a calendar or sending emails. We will also learn about how to make things for other people to see like websites and blogs. Lots of us do not know how to properly use a computer or how to operate all of the tools easily, but in STEM class that is something that we will be learning how to do.

  28. STEM itself stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This year our STEM class is most likely focused on Technology since we're going to be involved with computers and different things revolved around computers. We're also going to be involved with finances which could also tie in with Technology since taxes, important emails, or even job interviews can be carried out via computer. Therefore, the students partaking in STEM this year will dive into the world of computers and technological sciences.

  29. Stem is Science Technology Engineering and Mathmatics. So to me this means this year We will be constructing things .also working with computers

  30. This year STEM class is about learning how to use computers for our everyday tasks like putting dates on a calendar or sending emails. We will also learn about how to make things for other people to see like websites and blogs. Lots of us do not know how to properly use a computer or how to operate all of the tools easily, but in STEM class that is something that we will be learning how to do.

  31. STEM means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
    I think we will be learning about the Technology part of STEM. With little bits and pieces of other things too like financial stuff. We so far have been making our website and doing blogs to get us to know more apps that are on google. Google is the main thing this year with the
    plethora of apps such as blogs and sites that we can use. There is no doubt I will use these apps after STEM class is over.

  32. This year in STEM class we will apply science and technology to the real world to see what the endless possibilities are. These tools will be very helpful because of the technological, fast-moving world we all live in.
